If you ask me what is your favorite palce in Northern Vietnam I would not need to think long to answer. It is Mai Chau Valley. Located just 3 hours drive on the South West of Hanoi, Mai Chau Valley is a part of Hoa Binh Province famous with its beautiful landscape and wonderful hill tribles especially Thai people.It will be worth to spend a few days at the local homestay at Pom coong village to experience an interesting culture. The local cuisine is delicious.I could spend hours to cycle around the villages to see the bustling life at day time.People just simple happy and they offer great hospitality.I was also fascinated of how the locals made themselves some good fun by " Mua Sap " a type of dance with bamboo sticks which has been theirtradional offer when the guests visit or in special occasion. Just simple but they loved it and it was fun to join them for the dance.Waking up in the morning by the song of rooster and the beautiful sunshine through the window at the house on stilts looking out the rice paddies with the mountain background that just something I would say" fantastic".